Blog Archive

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Jack Snipe

My most recent birding "quest" has been Jack Snipe.   After seeing my first on St Mary's, IOS in 1991, there has been a lack of attention to this species, so a couple of years ago, having achieved the previous goal (Lesser Spotted Woodpecker), JS moved to the top of my UK wish-list.

Not wishing to flush a bird has costs me several opportunities, but in the last couple of weeks I have been an extremely lucky lady.

First came a chance meeting with a local group of birders at Dungeness - and thanks to them for sharing!   Although being extremely hard to find amongst the rocks and legs of Northern Lapwing and Grey Heron, and with a rather annoying willow moving in a stiff breeze, it was a less than satisfactory view.   Added to which it didn't even have the good grace to "bob".
I said it was less than satisfactory!

However, my (fast becoming) local patch of Rainham Marshes awaited and last week gave fantastic views of a Jack Snipe - no Willows in the way, no Lapwing or Grey Heron complicating the view and with a Common Snipe nearby for comparison and joy of joy - it bobbed constantly!  Yippee!

Mission accomplished - wonder what's next? 

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