Blog Archive

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The View is Back!

After a day out birding offsite, we returned to the Lodge and were met by a Ferruginous Pygmy Owl "in my garden" so to speak (sorry Lee!).
Sunset over Regua Mountains

Whilst we were out the gardeners had lopped and chopped some trees on the edge of the garden to open up the view of the nearby hillsides where the reforestation progress has been almost too successful.

With the view opened up, and more light in the garden, we can now see Channel-billed Toucan and Bare-necked Bellbirds from the lodge garden again - at least until the trees grow up again!


  1. Keep the posts coming Sue. My first REGUA-less year for I don't know how long.


  2. Can't wait to see that view again in October. Colin, I missed 2008 - never again!
