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Friday, 15 February 2013

Starling Roost

Spending a few days with friends in Bristol gave an excellent opportunity to enjoy some new parts of the country.

A surprisingly mild and bright day.   We started in the Mendips overlooking open countryside - well we would have done if there wasn't a thick fog at that height!   Skylark were singing well, heralding the oncoming spring.   Crow, Dunnock, Magpie and Common Buzzard were all seen whilst we waited for the fog to clear.

Common Buzzard
Not to be defeated, we moved off to Glastonbury Tor - the skies were clear and with warmer weather we ascended without coats - my first venture out without five layers for weeks!

Jackdaws followed the grazing sheep flock, a well marked Common Buzzard flew overhead.   We gasped and staggered as we moved on up the steep path to the top where we had brilliant views of the Somerset Levels.   Huge areas are still flooded after all the rain recently.

Eventually we took the descent - far easier than the earlier journey.   No wonder the website says that everyone comes back down smiling and chatting - probably because they are out of breath and close to collapse on the way up!

Glastonbury Tor
The final treat of the day was a trip to try and see the Starling Roost at Ham Wall.   Bob was after photographs and I was after a great wildlife spectacle.

The Sky full of Starlings!
I won out - there were anything up to 2 million birds gathering.   As the light started to fade the sky turning a beautiful red, birds arrived from all directions - they cover many miles to find a safe haven for the night, and these birds had come from all over Somerset.   Rather too far away to photograph, the sky was black with birds, sadly we didn't get the dramatic patterns in the sky that make it into the news but I was absolutely delighted and moved to tears by it.

[Also saw Woodcock flying away from us over the reedbed - another great sight]

Thanks to Bob for a great day out.