Blog Archive

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Red Kite

Yesterday at Shellness, we had the delight of watching a Red Kite hanging in the air over the marshes.   It was quartering over the ditches and rough ground and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying riding the breeze.
Red Kite
I think this is only the second Red Kite I've seen in Kent, so a nice one to start our walk with.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

The Spider and the Fly (well Wasp actually)

At Samphire Hoe a couple of weeks ago, one of the group spotted a spider and insect crawling along the sea wall.

Spider-hunting Wasp and Prey
Once I got the photo on the laptop, I realised that the insect was actually pulling the spider along, and after a conversation with the ever-knowledgable Malcolm,  we are now a step nearer to an ID.   The spider looks like an Orb-web, possibly Garden spider, and the insect is a Spider-hunting Wasp Pompilidae - no idea of which though!

Any suggestions welcome

Friday, 24 July 2015

I'm Back!

After a long break from the blog, I have been inspired by my travels recently to start again . . . .
let's hope you can cope with the excitement!