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Thursday, 29 August 2013

The Isle of Sheppey - but not as you know it!

Normally the Isle of Sheppey would give rise to thoughts of Elmley, Capel Fleet and Shellness, but today we decided to take a different tack, and go for some potential migrant habitat along the north coast.

We started out at Warden Point, a place I have only ever visited once before with rather soggy results - a cloudburst soaked us within minutes of our arrival.   On this occasion though, the sun was shining and the sky clear and blue - so off we set in eager anticipation.

From the car park we wandered towards some rough ground which looked prime insect habitat and with Swallow and House Martin swooping over our heads we watched Gatekeeper, Large White and Small Copper butterflies, and chased after grasshoppers galore, whilst listening for bush-crickets.

Linnet and House Sparrow were flitting around in the nearby brambles, as we carried on along the cliff top.  We were aiming for a small wood further along the coast.   Blue Tit and Great Tit were calling - I haven't seen either species for a couple of weeks, so it was good to see family groups with several downy juveniles being trained in the art of foraging.   Blackbird and Green Woodpecker called, whilst several Woodpigeon coo-ed from the tree tops.   Collared Dove, Chaffinch, Crow and Robin were all in this small area.   Sadly, as there were several well-walked paths through the trees, we were also having to be careful not to step in or on litter and rubbish which had been strewn around.
Not to be overlooked

Emerging onto the cliff top by a caravan park we were met with several butterfly species including Small Tortoiseshell, Clouded Yellow - including the first male I have seen this year, Large and Small White.  On the beach below we could see Little Egret, Herring Gull, Black-headed Gull and Magpie.   Near a small playing field we had Wren, Starling, a stunning Willow Warbler, Great Spotted Woodpecker, and Speckled Wood butterflies.

Time to move on and our next stop was Leysdown and lunch by the sea.   Here we added several more sea birds and waders including: Oystercatcher in their thousands, Curlew, Grey Plover and Bar-tailed Godwit.   Highlight of lunch wasn't the food today, but a huge downfall of insects which set Malcolm off on a mission to find as many different flies, beetles and various other species as he could.  They appeared to like the paler clothing of Irene and myself, but the car also provided a great backdrop - anyone passing would have been amused to see us all eyeing up the paintwork with eye-glasses at very close quarters!
Juvenile Jackdaw

Our final stop was Leas Cliff, where many families were enjoying the lovely weather, setting up camp on the beach and munching ice-creams.  We, of course, had far more important things on our mind, and wandered off towards the more wild end of the beach where the cliffs are gradually being eroded.   Swallows were flying west on migration, but there was precious little evidence of any other migration.   More Linnet, Starling, Woodpigeon, and Herring Gull were joined by a great little group of Ringed Plover and Turnstone on the shoreline.   To complete our bird list a Mediterranean Gull was seen at close quarters as we got back to the car.
Light brown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana)

Monday, 26 August 2013

Oare in the rain

When you have a dose of man-flu the one thing you want to do is sit in a hide sheltering from the rain all day - not!

Still, I am a devoted member of my local RSPB (oops rspb) group and when Malcolm calls we all come running, so there were Irene and myself sitting in a car with torrential rain falling all around us waiting for someone - anyone - else to arrive.    When they did, the decision was made to move to a cafe until the rain stopped.
Golden Plover at Oare

So it was that at the ridiculous hour of 11.10 am we actually started the walk.

Swallow were flying low, taking advantage of a lull in the rain, the usual suspects of magpie and wood pigeon were soon added, house sparrow, cormorant, lapwing and starling were all easily spotted.   Snipe was a little more difficult, but thanks to Sally's usual good spotting we soon all saw the bird.

Plovers caused us some debate, first called as grey, they miraculously turned into golden after some debate and the fact that they had no back 'armpits' when they flew - one to the girls!

Chaffinch, coot and great black-backed gull were the next additions, and then we had the delight of thousands of black-tailed godwit - we tried for bar-tailed but couldn't find one.   Some of them were still in their breeding plumage, giving a glorious splash of colour to a grey day.
Waders in the rain

Grey heron appear to be back with us, I counted seven across the reserve today.   Little egret stood along the fringes of the east flood whilst others were feeding further out in the field ditches.   As we watched we noticed large numbers of redshank, several ruff, avocet, and a couple of pied wagtail.

A little tern headed towards us ditching into the water and washing itself as it splashed, occasionally mobbed half-heartedly by the godwit.   All the birds went up as a Sparrowhawk flew over our heads and off across the fields behind.   As we ended the morning session a large flock of ringed plover flew in to join the redshank.

After lunch - and another downpour - the slipway gave us some tern entertainment with sandwich and common, together with black-headed and common gull.   Herring gull held our attention for a nano-second until a lovely male marsh harrier flew into view off the Isle of Sheppey and towards us.
A spot of colour on a grey day - beautiful
male linnet and partner

From the hide o ear looking the river we saw great-crested grebe and shelduck, three common terns flew by very close which was great, but there was little else.   Along the muddy banks a family of yellow wagtail fed ahead of us as we braced ourselves against yet another downpour - so much for the BBC weather forecast!

The final stop back at the hide gave us lovely views of the godwit again, but we were also able to see dunlin, greenshank, a young water rail- thanks to Irene, and five curlew sandpipers - thanks to another bird watcher!
Hat now thoroughly weather tested! Passed with flying
colours- well chosen Rachel!

Needless to say after all this excitement I spent the next day in bed!

Friday, 23 August 2013

I think man flu has crossed over . . .

My reasoning is set out below, but bearing in mind I have now been ill for 16 days, sore throat, voice loss, hacking cough, aches, pains, migraine, sickness in fact is has gone on so long I can't remember getting a good nights sleep or actually feeling human.  
Also I DO hold to the strategy of "live for today" and I know my immune system is knackered - hence the shingles - simples - I do in fact have the female version of man flu!
part of Telegraph article Jan 2013:
" . . .  new research suggests that they are not faking it and that they suffer diseases more seriously and for longer.
Scientists believe it is the male predilection for a "live fast, die young" lifestyle that means in evolutionary terms they have failed to build up their immune systems like females.
That means that they not only catch more diseases but they tend to suffer more seriously, and for longer, from them.
A team at the University of Cambridge came up with the theory by applying a mathematical model to the various factors that characterise males and females"
Don't want to steal your thunder Lee - I'm sure you're still suffering more than me - well actually Rachel is probably suffering more from the moaning, but hope we're all better soon.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Sun, Sea and . . . . .

a jolly good day out . . . .

This week my Wednesday team decided on a trip down to the cliffs near Dover and we headed for Bockhill, a great place for migrants set high up on the top of the white cliffs to the east of Dover.

Three Ravens called overhead as we arrived, then butterflies took over with Small Tortoiseshell, Wall (Brown), Large White, Common Blue, Small Copper and Clouded Yellow.  

A group of Whitethroat took our attention for some while as they fed in the safety of the scrub around us. Their contact calls gave their presence away, and we counted about four individuals.   After some time they flew off towards the edge of the cliff in their group.
Wall (Brown) Butterfly

Large numbers of Swallow were flying westwards - presumably feeding along the coast before they make the crossing.   Malcolm, Sally and Irene had views of a Common Redstart, and although I saw the bird on the deck it was some distance away and despite my efforts I could not get the bird in the bins to identify it myself.
Dusky Sallow

Our morning migrant sightings were completed with several Wheatear, a flock of Linnet and some great Whinchat - one of my favourites.

Two day-flying moths were identified as well, Silver Y and Dusky Sallow - thanks to Malcolm for the IDs.

As we took lunch by the beach, a Fulmar flew along the cliff face using the thermals created by the midday sun.

In the afternoon, we moved on to Samphire Hoe - I hadn't been there this year yet.   A Common Buzzard greeted us - soaring along the cliff top disturbing smaller birds below.
Butterfly heaven

We added Marbled White, Gatekeeper, Peacock, Small White and Speckled Bush Cricket to our insect list.

Along the concrete promenade we found a couple of Rock Pipits - feeding along the rough grass above and dropping down to pick morsels from the cracks and crevices.   More Swallow were moving westwards and then I heard the distinctive "chirp" of House Martin.   Looking around I couldn't see where they were, then high up in sky over the sea I spotted a couple of Martins, and the more I looked the more I saw.   Several appeared to disappear onto the cliff face, but whether they landed we could not tell.   Sad to see them on their way back to Africa, but I love migration full stop.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Rainham Marshes

I spent yesterday at Rainham Marshes with my local rspb group.   The real highlight of the day wasn't an avian one, but human . . . .  I'll come to that later, however.
Wasp Nest

Having read that a survey has been done of Harbour and Grey Seals in the lower Thames Estuary, it was good to see several Harbour Seals hauled up on the Dartford side of the River.

On the reserve itself there were several Little Grebe with juveniles, young Moorhen and Coot, a fledgling Reed Bunting, flocks of House Sparrow with young birds begging from their parents, young Bearded Tit feeding on seeds in the reedbeds  - all signs of successful fledging.   A group of over 30 Goldfinch with many young birds included, were flying between the larger shrubs along the side of the path.
Grey Heron with wings outstretched

A Grey Heron was standing with its wings outstretched, presumably enjoying the warm summer sun, but it made a strange sight - never seen one stand quite in this way before!

I spotted three Hobby flying over one of the scrapes on the far side of the reserve, and as they moved nearer to us we could see them catching dragonflies and eating on the wing.   It was a great day for Hawkers with Migrant and Brown Hawker seen in large numbers, and Common Darter were also quite numerous.

Butterflies noted were Large White, Small Tortoiseshell, Gatekeeper, Common Blue, Clouded Yellow.
Small Tortoiseshell

Other species which added to the day were Water Vole and Marsh Frog, Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Black-tailed Godwit, Shoveler, Pochard, Mallard and Teal.

So, to my human highlight of the day!
We met up with two young lads - probably mid-teens.   One had been interested in birds for a couple of years, the other was on his first day out.   They had made the trip on public transport from Brixton to Rainham - for the more experienced lad it was his second trip in a few days - he had seen the Wood Sandpiper on his last trip and promised to show it to us!   They then joined us for the majority of our walk, and their pleasure and enthusiasm was great to see.  The Hobby were firsts for them, and they thought watching the dragonflies dicing with death nearby were "awesome".   We also saw a rather badly moulted Kestrel and a Sparrowhawk, and both were met with equal joy.   Their interest in all we saw was a delight, and as we walked along, it was great to chat to such eloquent and enthusiastic youngsters - it made me realise that there is hope for the future with some people.   After discussing options for their future birding ventures, they departed - they had of course shown us where the Wood Sandpiper was, with a Ruff nearby.
Pied Shield-bug

The old Pollyanna "it makes my heart glad" was ringing in my ears for the rest of the day.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Bird Fair Blues ~ roll on next year

Its absolutely true, even though I was struggling with a bad throat and loss of voice, I still had a great time at the Bird Fair, and I miss it now its over.

A novice at this game, I have only been to the Fair around eight times, and only two of them as an exhibitor for REGUA, the Reserve in Brazil that I volunteer for.   Still, I love the atmosphere of the place, all those people gathering from around the world once a year for the same reason.  Their love of birds and all things natural and environmental.

Most of the exhibitors are there to make money one way or another, by selling holidays, books or equipment, or by a subscription to a worthy cause, others are there to sell a concept - as in REGUA's case - but without a basic interest in the natural world we wouldn't be there.
Privet Hawkmoth Caterpillar

Wandering around, bumping into old friends, making new friends, the whole event is a sociable cornucopia, and one which I would now greatly miss if I was not part of it.  

The highlights for me were:

Chatting to Bill Oddie (who has visited REGUA in the past) about the progress we have made and continue to make, and how the reforestation of the Guapi-Assu valley has provided corridors for wildlife to use and expand into.   This gives us both hope for the future - proving that the tide of destruction can be turned.

Watching the sheer joy on a child's face as she held a Privet Hawkmoth caterpillar, she giggled as it tickled her hand and was in absolute awe at its beauty.

The successes of two groups of friends with stands;
Firstly, Skua Nature an Italian group who aim to provide not only holidays but research, teaching and habitat restoration and protection to a wide group of people from Italy and around the world - they were a roaring success winning Best Overseas Stand and Best Overall Stand
Secondly, Wise Birding who managed to give away virtually all their brochures for next year, and also adding to their portfolio of bookings.

My personal success was planning my 2014 Holiday Plans - yippee!   At the Bird Fair it took about 15 minutes - at home I would have pondered for days . . . . .

And if Lee, Rachel, Alan and I wondered if we had made any impact at all for our beloved Reserve, we were left in no doubt when a couple wandered up to tell us what a great time they had on holiday this year.   They booked after meeting us at the Bird Fair last year - you see we can turn your dreams into reality!
All over until next year

. . . . . and I have just had an email today from a couple asking to book for 2015.